Hilarious video shows young man speaking Irish to his girlfriend’s brother

Have you ever wished that you could speak Irish? It is something plenty of people in Ireland wish they had the time to learn. Plenty more people with Irish ancestry around the world have also thought about learning the language to help them feel closer to their roots. However, as with all languages, things can… Continue reading Hilarious video shows young man speaking Irish to his girlfriend’s brother

More laughs from RTÉ in ‘Every Funeral Ever’ video

To follow up the hilarious Every Irish Wedding video, RTÉ’s Republic of Comedy have provided another comic look at the inside of Irish family occasions. This time it’s Every Funeral Ever, and the comedy team have again looked beneath the surface of the mournful events, and picked out the funnier moments that we will all… Continue reading More laughs from RTÉ in ‘Every Funeral Ever’ video

The horror photo booths of Irish Universities

University students in Dublin and Limerick were given a fright as they sat down to have their photograph taken. They were victims of a hilarious stunt organised by Rice Krispies Squares for Halloween.

Typical Irish family scenes captured in hilarious videos

A YouTuber has created a hilarious cartoon that gives a wonderfully accurate insight into Irish family life. Martin’s Life is a series of minute-long cartoon sketches, based on typical conversations between Irish kids and their parents.

Youngster forced to present live radio show in hilarious prank

A fresh-faced Irish youngster was given a rough ride on his first day as an intern at a radio station when he was abandoned in the studio by the crew and put live on air to present the show himself. The stunt was part of RTÉ’s ‘The Fear’ programme, normally presented by Bernard O’Shea, Jennifer… Continue reading Youngster forced to present live radio show in hilarious prank

Hilarious video as fake politician winds up voters

Brave joker Buachaill risked the wrath of several Irish residents, as he went door-to-door around Dublin to ‘promote’ the water tax. The prankster was secretly filming the reactions of the Irish public, as he posed as a Fine Gael politician, and boasted how he was on the committee that introduced the rise in water tax,… Continue reading Hilarious video as fake politician winds up voters