Thousands of Irish care home children in secret drug trials

The Catholic Church and religious run Irish care homes have been engulfed in further controversy after startling reports that thousands of Irish children were used as guinea pigs in secret drugs trials in the 1930s. The report author says there is no evidence that consent was ever sought. Nor is there any information about how… Continue reading Thousands of Irish care home children in secret drug trials

Categorised as Lifestyle

Hilarious video as fake politician winds up voters

Brave joker Buachaill risked the wrath of several Irish residents, as he went door-to-door around Dublin to ‘promote’ the water tax. The prankster was secretly filming the reactions of the Irish public, as he posed as a Fine Gael politician, and boasted how he was on the committee that introduced the rise in water tax,… Continue reading Hilarious video as fake politician winds up voters

Incredible video as cat saves boy from savage dog

A pet cat in California bravely saved her four-year-old owner after he was viciously attacked by a neighbour’s dog. The incredible incident was recorded on the family’s security cameras, and is now available as a YouTube video. Jeremy Triantafilo was riding his bicycle on the front driveway of the family home, when the dog brutally… Continue reading Incredible video as cat saves boy from savage dog

Categorised as Worldwide

Letters written by Jackie Kennedy describe her 'fairytale visit' to Ireland

The unearthed letters written by Jackie Kennedy have revealed she had a deep affection for Ireland. The letters discovered recently, were sent to her long-time friend, Irish priest Father Leonard. In them, Mrs Kennedy describes her love for Ireland and also her experiences of being married to the world’s most powerful man, President Kennedy.

Categorised as Lifestyle