A priest stunned his parishioners with a bizarre homily that compared homosexuals to zombies. Brother Tom Forde also suggested those who believe in contraception and abortion are “morally rotten” and the “living dead”.
Category: Lifestyle
The life of St Patrick through the eyes of Irish children
Have you seen this fantastic YouTube video of a little girl from Ireland telling the story of St Patrick? She does it in the most charming and delightful way. The young lady narrates the video but doesn’t appear in it, as the whole thing has been animated.
Saoirse Ronan has written a song to help us pronounce her name
Hollywood superstar Saoirse Ronan performed a great comedy song about her Irish name as she hosted Saturday Night Live in America. The Lady Bird actress welcomed the crowd by joking that she was thrilled to be hosting the 2018 St Patrick’s Day episode, just a couple of months early.
So that’s where our red hair comes from
For years Irish people, along with the Scots, have been associated with red hair, fair skin and freckles. Celtic people have carried the ginger gene for centuries but it has always been unclear as to where it actually originated. A study carried out in Spain on the gene evolution of 1,000 people offers an interesting… Continue reading So that’s where our red hair comes from
Quiet Man actor took part in 1916 Easter Rising
An author discovered that one of the most famous films in Irish history features an actor who took part in the Easter Rising. Dermot McEvoy is an expert on the Easter Rising and he reveals that the man who played the Reverend Mister Playfair in The Quiet Man was one of the rebels imprisoned in… Continue reading Quiet Man actor took part in 1916 Easter Rising
Two Irish hotels are named among the most luxurious in the world
Two Irish hotels were named among the world’s most luxurious places to stay by a leading travel site. Condé Nast Traveller is an upmarket travel magazine which focuses on the most glamourous and luxurious destinations and hotels in the world
Genetic study reveals the fate of Celtic slaves taken by Norse Vikings
A genetic study in Iceland has revealed the fate of the Celtic slaves were taken from Ireland and Scotland by Vikings who colonised Iceland. The slaves were mostly women and were taken around 1,100 years ago.
Parents angry at decision to scrap First Holy Communion Day
Parents have reacted angrily to a decision to scrap First Holy Communion Day as way of avoiding unnecessary expense. Families at Askea in Co Carlow have been told that instead of having a special communal event, children can make their First Communion on any day next May or June.
Holiday cottage owner hits back at online reviewer who called their home ‘dirty’ and ‘basic’
An Irish holiday cottage owner hit back at a negative TripAdvisor review from a disgruntled visitor who complained that Ireland doesn’t compare to Dubai. Patrick Mungovan is the owner of Quilty Cottages in Co Clare. The property in question features numerous luxuries including a tennis court, indoor pool and free parking.
Irish mammy’s hilarious swearing rant at confused daughter
An Irish girl was mercilessly slated by her mammy after she couldn’t solve the classic mph riddle. The girl, named as Laurel in the video, was stumped by the puzzle which led her to face a shouting and swearing rampage that could only be delivered by an Irish mammy.