The Irish lover of Queen superstar Freddie Mercury is portrayed in the hit movie Bohemian Rhapsody by Co Armagh actor Aaron McCusker. While the movie has been a huge success, it has received some criticism for using a little artistic license when retelling some of the key stories from Mercury’s life.
Category: Lifestyle
The legend of how the Irish got their language and freckles
An animated video explains how Irish people got their freckles – according to ancient Irish mythology. The video is by feardia and also explains the legend of how the Irish got their language.
Liam Neeson speaks about his late wife in emotional interview
Irish superstar Liam Neeson has revealed how his late wife surprised him on their wedding day in an emotional interview. He didn’t realise that his bride, Natasha Richardson, was much of a singer, but she had given him a shock by belting out one of his favourite songs during the wedding reception.
Wonderful Irish dance video from 1972
Here is a delightful video of a man and woman performing and Irish jig in 1972. Irish dancing has become a hugely popular pastime for people of all ages over the past 20 years.
Irish actor admits he’s a total ‘Mammy’s Boy’
Irish actor Domhnall Gleeson has praised his mother and described her as “a brilliant woman”. The star is the son of Hollywood stalwart Brendan Gleeson and social worker Mary. He admitted to the Sun that he is a total Mammy’s Boy and wouldn’t swap her for anyone in the world.
Story of the young Irish girl who changed First Holy Communion forever
For Catholic children around the world, their First Holy Communion is one of the most important religious events of their young lives. The average age for children taking their First Communion is seven.
‘Forgotten’ Irish nationalist given State funeral
On September 18 2015, one of Ireland’s forgotten rebels was laid to rest at his family plot in Cork in a State funeral almost 100 years after his death. Thomas Kent was executed in the aftermath of the Easter Rising.
Hotel manager hits back at negative review from guest
A hotel manager in Ireland has hit back at a negative review from one of his guests. The bad review was written by traveller Ole K who had stayed at the Imperial Hotel in Cork.
Woman researching family tree discovers mass grave of Irish emigrants
An American woman may have discovered a mass grave of Irish emigrants, which could provide details about the fates of hundreds of people from the 19th century that until now have been lost in history.
Hilarious song by Tim Minchin fights back for gingers everywhere
People with red hair have sometimes been the victims of cruel teasing and bullying about their hair colour, especially in school. Flame-haired Australian comedian Tim Minchin finally decided enough was enough, and wrote a brilliant song to fight back for gingers everywhere. The song, named Prejudice, is a hilarious warning to all non-gingers out there,… Continue reading Hilarious song by Tim Minchin fights back for gingers everywhere