James Bond star Pierce Brosnan to showcase his paintings at LA exhibition

Irish acting legend Pierce Brosnan has announced that he will hold an art exhibition in LA later this year to showcase all the paintings he has created in his spare time. He took to Instagram to announce his exhibition, telling fans: “I do ponder at times whether to show the work slowly practised since one… Continue reading James Bond star Pierce Brosnan to showcase his paintings at LA exhibition

Categorised as Lifestyle

Irish singer talks about the pitfalls of becoming a star so young

Irish musician Damian McGinty has spoken about the importance of staying grounded as he became a star from a young age. The Derry singer joined supergroup Celtic Thunder when he was just 14 and has said he has his upbringing to thank that he has not been led astray.

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Dublin is the second-most coffee-obsessed capital in the world

Dubliners love a cup of coffee more than any other capital city in the world according to a recent survey by online retailer BrewSmartly. Well, any other capital city in the world other than Amsterdam that is, and their coffee shops famously also legally sell marijuana so their clients may not be as coffee-obsessed as… Continue reading Dublin is the second-most coffee-obsessed capital in the world

Categorised as Lifestyle

Disney star leaves thoughtful hand-written message at Dublin restaurant

Hollywood star Maya Rudolph delighted the owners of a Dublin restaurant when she left a thoughtful note at the table after her meal. The Bridesmaids actress was dining at Juanitos in Drury Street and was so pleased with the quality of the food and service that she left a hand-written note thanking the staff.

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Lord of the Dance celebrates 25 years on top of the world

Lord of the Dance Michael Flatley celebrated the 25th year anniversary of his spectacular Riverdance show this week. The veteran Chicago-born star has been one of the key driving forces behind the rise in popularity of Irish dance over the past few decades.

Categorised as Dancing