An Irish dad has become an online star after a video of him being pranked by his daughter has amassed more than one million views on social media. Brenda Molloy Rothwell set up the classic ‘leek under the sink gag’ to trick her father.
Category: Lifestyle
Irish newsreader struggles with the giggles
An Irish newsreader has become an online hit after he struggled to suppress his laughter when reading a story about a nude pensioner who went on a rampage. Nick Sheridan, from Wexford, is a former RTÉ2 broadcaster and is now working for Scottish TV channel STV2.
Bagpipers fight for woman’s attention in hilarious video
Fans of the bagpipes are in for a treat with this hilarious video of two musicians vying for a young lady’s attention. The woman is caught in the middle of two bagpipers who seem to have taken a liking to her.
Eamon Kelly – master Irish storyteller
For centuries the Irish have been famous as great storytellers and performers. Tales would be passed down through the generations and some people would even make their living by travelling from town to town to tell traditional stories. We have found a YouTube video of one of the masters at work, County Kerry’s Eamon Kelly.
Irish woman finally meets 103-year-old mother after 60 year search
An Irishwoman met her 103-year-old mother for the first time after she had spent more than 60 years searching for her. Eileen Mackin is 81 years old, and was raised in an orphanage in Dublin in the 1930s and 40s. She always hoped she would one day get to meet her birth mother, and that… Continue reading Irish woman finally meets 103-year-old mother after 60 year search
Graham Norton left the Daily Telegraph because of its ‘toxic’ political views
Chat king Graham Norton has revealed he gave up his job as a writer for the Daily Telegraph because the newspaper was a ‘mouthpiece for Boris Johnson’. Norton wrote the paper’s advice column for 12 years until suddenly leaving his post in 2018.
New Airs- creating beautiful covers of classic rock songs
You may have seen a music group sweeping across the internet over the last couple of year with classical covers of popular Irish songs. The group is called New Airs and they have gained a lot of popularity with their incredible performances.
Now even polar bears are claiming to be Irish
Well, we’ve got used to American presidents claiming to have Irish ancestry, especially when there’s an election round the corner. And, of course, everyone is Irish on St Patrick’s Day.
Gossip is worse than Covid-19, says Pope Francis
Pope Francis has surprised worshippers with a sermon on the unlikely subject of gossip.
Irish people worrying so much we top European anxiety league
We don’t tend to think about Irish people worrying…after all, we have a reputation for being easy going and quick to look on the bright side of life.