Donald Trump’s son Eric has revealed his dad is envious of him running the family golf course in Ireland.
Eric Trump was speaking about the luxury $60m course in Doonbeg on the west coast of Ireland.
Donald Trump purchased the course in 2014 for $10m, and has since invested “north of $50m to $60m to make it one of the world’s elite sporting getaways.
Eric Trump said: “Nowadays, Doonbeg is really becoming the talk of the world, which is really nice for the west of Ireland.
“I think people are blown away by what they see. The members are on cloud nine.
“We have put a lot of blood, sweat and tears into this property. It is a special day for the family. It is a property we love.”
He also revealed that his father takes great interest in the progress and condition of the course despite fighting to become the president back home in America.
Trump said: “I was on the phone to him earlier for 20 minutes and he was asking, ‘How is (hole) four looking? How is six? How is 18?’ He was very envious of me being here.”
Doonbeg has undergone a major revamp since the Trumps took over two years ago including a redesign by world famous course designer Dr Martin Hawtree. There are now plans to build a berm along the coastal edge of the course to protect it from being eroded by wild Atlantic storms.
Trump explained: “When I came here and saw it for the first time in 2014, they lost 20 or 30 metres of dunes. You have a couple more storms and quite frankly that course doesn’t exist.
“If that course doesn’t exist, nor does the hotel because I would say upwards of 90% of all people who come to this resort are coming with golf clubs.
“The coastal berm is very important, Lahinch has it, Ballybunion has it and they have had it for a very long time.
“There is no question that the council is behind it. The local community is 1,000% behind it because they need it and it is an absolute necessity for the area and for local employment.
“Doonbeg will go down as one of the great treasures of Ireland. It would be a shame to see that disappear.”
He continued: “There are holes right on the water that would disappear. You couldn’t add those back in. You can’t shift the course sideways because there wouldn’t be enough land, Doonbeg would literally cease to exist. It would be a travesty if that happened.”
Eric Trump also spoke about his father’s presidential campaign in the US: “Right now, my father is winning the day in America. If the vote was today, he would be president of the United States.
“My father jumped into this race because he wants to save America from some of the things it is not doing right. He wants to win for the right reasons.”
He went on to reveal that the criticism his father has received has been tough for the family, particularly when they feel it is unfair.
“On a human level, you never want to see your father attacked. I am the first person who wants to jump through the TV sometimes and shake somebody, especially when they are mis-categorising something.
“He has put $50m into the campaign, plus devoted months of his life and put aside his whole business to do something noble. That is a pretty selfless act.”
“It is very easy to say, ‘his views on Muslims and views on Mexicans’. There is a much bigger picture than categorising it like that.
“It is really his views on illegal immigration and that is the biggest issue that faces America.
“My mom is an immigrant, there is no one as close to immigration as us.
“At the same time, you need to know who is coming into the country. If you are about to accept 200,000 Syrian refugees and you don’t know who they are and you can’t vet them and our intelligence agencies are saying, ‘There are bad people in here and we know them to be linked with Isil and al-Qa’ida’, that is a real problem. You know what they are going to do when they come over to the US.”
Eric Trump was asked how he felt when his father was described as a racist. He said: “That is the leftist line. Anyone who disagrees with them is racist; that has been part of the Democratic playbook for the last 50 years. Unfortunately, that is the name of the game.”
Donald Trump is envious of his son running a golf course in Ireland