An Irish lad has made great use of the Acapella app to showcase his talents – both as a musician and a dancer.
Acapella is an app that allows users to display multiple recorded clips in the same video. It is a great tool for a multi-instrumentalist to create a complete piece of music.
Jeremy Saich from Cork is a multi-talented musician and has used the app to record himself playing different instruments and then putting them together to create a great piece of Irish music.
The video starts off with a clip of Jeremy playing the guitar in the top right corner of the screen.
Just below is another video clip where Jeremy – this time with an accordion – is waiting patiently for his cue to begin.
When the accordion kicks in the video really starts to have a uniquely Irish feel.
When the third and largest video springs into life, the Irish feel is magnified. In the video, which takes up the whole left side of the scree, Jeremy appears in the shot and shows off his fancy footwork with some tap dancing to go with the Irish music.
The video was posted on Facebook by his sister Rebecca and has gone viral. It has been viewed tens of thousands of times so far since being posted over the weekend.
The video has had viewers suitably impressed with several positive comments on social media.
Take a look at the video below.
Irish lad creates video to display his music and dancing talents