Brilliant stand up routine by Irish girl about her First Holy Communion

Brilliant stand up routine by Irish girl about her First Holy Communion

An Irish girl got up on stage and delivered a hilarious monologue about her First Holy Communion, which had her audience in stitches.

A video of young Emmie O’Neill’s performance at the Helix, Dublin, was posted online in 2019.

Brilliant stand up routine by Irish girl about her First Holy Communion

The youngster, from Cabra, arrived on the stage wearing her First Holy Communion dress.

The audience was enthralled by Emmie from the start as she said: “I was making my Holy Communion as you can probably guess – that’s why I look like a wedding cake in this brutal dress.”

Her stand up routine was in the form of a poem, which got funnier and funnier with each line.

No one was safe as Emmie’s comedic targets included her teacher, her classmates and family members.

The audience adored her and she got a huge cheer as she left the stage.

Emmie’s mother told the Irish Independent: “Emmie’s stage school teacher, Sonya Johnson from Gotta Dance Stage School, gave me the sketch in January and asked me what did I think of it for Emmie.”

“I seriously had my reservations because she’s never done any acting, just dancing and singing.

“Myself and Philip couldn’t get over her show in the Helix, she got such an amazing reaction from the crowd. She had them in the palm of her hands and she loved every minute of it.”

The video has been a huge success, first locally among family and friends, and has now been picked up by the media and is getting viewed all over the world.

Emmie’s mother continued: “We can’t thank everybody, but all their comments put a huge smile on Emmie’s face. She’s making her Communion on Sunday and this has made this week even more special.”

Take a look at the video below.

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Written by Michael Kehoe @michaelcalling