Sinn Fein’s Pearse Doherty has said he will not sign off on the contentious report of the banking inquiry. Amid deep concern that the entire process will collapse over the content and tone of key chapters and conclusions, the party’s finance spokesman confirmed he does not believe it will answer the big questions.
Author: Angela Nurse
Taoiseach welcomes jobs boost from social media giant
Online professional network LinkedIn has announced it will take its workforce in Ireland to more than 1,000. Marking five years of the company’s operations in Dublin – its European headquarters – it revealed it had hired 300 people in the last year and is recruiting another 100.
Ryanair fly nearly 100million passengers in a year following revamp
Ryanair carried a record 99.9 million passengers in the past 12 months following improvements to customer service, the airline has said. The rolling annual traffic figure is 17% higher than at the same time last year. The Dublin-based carrier’s November passenger numbers grew by 21% to 7.71 million, while its load factor rose from 88%… Continue reading Ryanair fly nearly 100million passengers in a year following revamp
Dublin family 'traumatised' after tiger kidnapping
A mother and daughter were held hostage for several hours while a security worker was forced to hand over a substantial amount of cash. The tiger kidnap began when the family home in north Dublin was raided by a gang in the middle of the night, gardai said. The mother and daughter were taken from… Continue reading Dublin family 'traumatised' after tiger kidnapping
Irish company will help make your marriage proposal perfect
Ireland’s first ever marriage proposal planning company claims it can take the stress out of popping the question. can organise everything from hot air balloon flights and helicopter rides to scouting out private picnic locations, leaving the nervous proposer with just four little words, “Will you marry me”, to worry about.
Taoiseach says no reason for homeless to sleep on streets
Taoiseach Enda Kenny has said there is no reason for anyone to sleep rough this Christmas. On the first anniversary of the death of Jonathan Corrie, homeless and yards from the front gates of Leinster House, Mr Kenny faced a backlash from opposition leaders over his handling of the homelessness and housing crisis and spiralling… Continue reading Taoiseach says no reason for homeless to sleep on streets
Task force gears up to tackle cross-border crime
A new joint task force tackling cross-border organised and paramilitary crime will have its first meeting next month. It will include members of the Garda, Police Service of Northern Ireland, Revenue Commissioners and HM Revenue and Customs.