Blogger writes a moving account of how it feels to be a fat person on a plane

Blogger writes moving account of how it feels to be a fat person on a plane

A social media personality has written a moving account of a recent plane journey that will help many people to understand the insecurities and fears experienced by overweight people.

The blogger – named ‘Your Fat Friend’ – posted a series of Tweets on her Twitter account that gave an insight into her state of mind as she took a flight.

It wasn’t a fear of flying that was getting her down – her problems start before she has even bought a ticket.

Blogger writes moving account of how it feels to be a fat person on a plane

Once she has got her flight booked she then starts to worry about the experience of sharing the plane with several other passengers – many of whom may be discriminatory towards her.
She says that many passengers openly complain in front of her, which could cause her to be charged extra or even escorted off the plane – often without a refund.

She also mentions some of the other lengths she needs to go to in order to prevent her fellow passengers from becoming even more annoyed with her.

She also told the story of the first time she felt discriminated against on a flight because of her weight.

Your Fat Friend has written a blog about her experiences of flying – read it here

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