Teenagers in Ireland were asked what they thought the Easter Rising leaders would think if they could see modern-day Ireland and nearly half said they didn’t think they would be happy.
More than 1,000 teens took part in the survey, and despite the reservations of some, 73% felt the Rising leaders were justified in using violence to achieve their aims.
Only 14% said that the violence was unjustified and 13% were unsure.
The Easter Rising took place 100 years ago and the leaders fought for an independent republic. The Proclamation read out by Patrick Pearse showed the leaders ideals were ahead of their time with ideals of equal rights and opportunities afforded to all regardless of their gender or beliefs.
The teenagers were asked if they felt that a hundred years on, Ireland has become that type of society. Less than half (47%) thought that it has, 39% thought that it hasn’t and 14% were not sure.
Again, nearly half (45%) thought that the Rising leaders would not be proud of the way the country is being run. That is compared to 33% who felt they would be proud, and 22% who were not sure.
The survey was carried out by studyclix.ie. They quizzed 1,100 students from all 26 counties across the Republic.
More positive results from the study included almost 90% of Irish teens consider Ireland a good place to grow up. It also found that 93% are proud of their nationality.
Teens think Rising heroes would be disappointed with Ireland today