Liam Neeson visits ‘Liam Neeson eats free’ cafe

Liam Neeson cafe

A café in Canada showed off the power of social media by inviting Irish movie star to visit them with the promise of a free sandwich.

The Ballymena actor was filming his latest movie Hard Powder nearby the Vancouver café Big Star Sandwich Co.

The creative staff at Big Star heard Neeson was in the area and wrote on their sandwich board: “Liam Neeson eats here for free.”

They took a photo of the sign and posted it online.

To everyone’s surprise, later that day, Liam Neeson walked into the café, and reportedly said to the server: “Where’s my sandwich?” in his trademark gruff voice.

The Big Sandwich employees couldn’t believe it. They posed for photos with Neeson next to the sign and posted the pictures online.

The stunt just goes to show what a genuinely nice guy Liam Neeson is, and his reputation amongst his fans has only been improved further.

Apparently, he didn’t have time to stop for his sandwich, but was just happy to show his face and give the cafe some free publicity.


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