Can Irish people name the American States?

Irish people try to name US States. How well would you do?

A selection of Irish people were presented with a blank map of the United States and asked to fill in all 50 States.

It is the latest idea from YouTube channel Facts who decided it to see how well Irish people actually know about the US.
You’d think it would be pretty easy right? We all love going to the cinema and most of the films we see are set over in the States.
Irish people try to name US States. How well would you do?
We should know whereabouts the places that we see on screen actually are.
As it turns out it isn’t as easy as it sounds. With the US being such a large country, and having 50 States to identify it can be hard to put some States in the right ball park, let alone get it spot on!
The Irish people in the video do remarkably well – far better than we managed at Ireland Calling HQ.
However, it wasn’t all plain sailing. One man thought that New Jersey was part of New York – even we know that wasn’t true!
It seemed that a lot of their knowledge of the US was thanks to Beyonce. They knew where Texas and California were as they are the states that the superstar singer was born and now lives.
They also did well to avoid the trap of mistaking Washington State with America’s capital city, Washington DC.
The States of Kansas and Mississippi caused the biggest trouble for the guys and girls.
Despite the difficulties, one pair got all seven answers correct, much to their delight. The guy said: “Free green cards for us!”
Take a look at the video below.
