George Bernard Shaw understood the value and importance of money. He also recognised that it was easy to say that money wasn’t important if you had lots of it. Those without obviously resented these kind of comments. Shaw made several attacks on the upper classes and the unfair distribution of wealth in society throughout his life. Here are some of the most famous quotes on money from George Bernard Shaw:
The lack of money is the root of all evil.
The love of money is the root of all virtue.
The love of economy is the root of all virtue
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We are the only real aristocracy in the world: the aristocracy of money.
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Shall I turn up the light for you?
No, give me deeper darkness. Money is not made in the light.
Very few people can afford to be poor.
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Better see rightly on a pound a week than squint on a million.
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A man who has no office to go to, I don’t care who he is, is a trial of which you can have no conception.
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The possibilities are numerous once we decide to act and not react.
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Every person who has mastered a profession is a sceptic concerning it.
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If there was nothing wrong in the world there wouldn’t be anything for us to do.
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The censorship method … is that of handing the job over to some frail and erring mortal man, and making him omnipotent on the assumption that his official status will make him infallible and omniscient.
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The schoolmaster is the person who takes the children off the parents’ hands for a consideration. That is to say, he establishes a child prison, engages a number of employee schoolmasters as turnkeys, and covers up the essential cruelty and unnaturalness of the situation by torturing the children if they do not learn, and calling this process, which is within the capacity of any fool or blackguard, by the sacred name of Teaching.
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A photographer is like a cod, which produces a million eggs in order that one may reach maturity.
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A doctor’s reputation is made by the number of eminent men who die under his care.
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He who can, does. He who cannot, teaches.
You are going to let the fear of poverty govern your life and your reward will be that you will eat, but you will not live.
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Make money and the whole nation will conspire to call you a gentleman.
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The poverty stricken man makes the same mistake about the rich man.
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When a man says money can do anything, that settles it: he hasn’t got any.
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The seven deadly sins … Food, clothing, firing, rent, taxes, respectability and children. Nothing can lift those seven milestones from man’s neck but money; and the spirit cannot soar until the milestones are lifted.
Gambling promises the poor what property performs for the rich – something for nothing.
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Do not waste your time on Social Questions. What is the matter with the poor is Poverty; what is the matter with the rich is Uselessness.
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The faults of the burglar are the qualities of the financier.
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Read about George Bernard Shaw’s life and career