The Peace Bridge in Derry/Londonderry symbolically and literally brings both sides of the River Foyle together.
It enables access between the largely unionist ‘Waterside’ with the largely nationalist ‘Cityside’.
The Peace Bridge was officially opened in June 2011. It is a pedestrian and cycle bridge connecting Ebrington Square with the city centre.
Symbolism of the Peace Bridge
It’s a self-anchored suspension bridge and is constructed with two identical curved suspension structures that harmoniously form a winding and tilting ’S’ shape.
At the centre of the bridge, these two structures intersect to form a single bridge – like a symbolic handshake over the river. The uprights to the bridge have been described as ‘the open arms of Derry.
It is a symbol of peace and hope for the people of Derry and shows the healing that is taking place after the Troubles.
On the bridge
There are two more bridges in the city – The Foyle Bridge and The Craigavon Bridge.
There is a limited amount of seating sheltered with windbreaks along the bridge to take in the views (wrap up well if it’s cool or windy). From these, you can see the flowing lines of the Peace Bridge, and enjoy the views of the river.
There are often buskers at either end of the bridge and sometimes along it too which adds to the overall enjoyment of the walk across the bridge.
Many leisure boats use the River Foyle and the bridge is at a height to allow the boats to pass below it at high tide. It is lit up at night and is an impressive sight.
This iconic bridge was funded by the Department for Social Development (NI) and the Department of the Environment, community and local government, and support from the European Union’s European Regional Development Fund’s Peace III Programme. It cost more than £14m to complete.