An Irishwoman had her family in fits of giggles as she struggled to get her head around a section of the recent government census.
Laura Pender of Kildare was sat at her table filling out the document when she reached the troubling section – much to the amusement of several family members, who recorded her ordeal.
The section asked people to write their occupation into a designated space. The space covered two lines of ten boxes, with only one letter allowed per box.
It included an example of how to use the boxes if the occupation was too long to fit on one line. In the example ‘hotel receptionist’ became ‘hotel rece ptionist’.
This was too much for Laura to comprehend and she tried turning to Google for help. Surely not helped by the fact that she was being recorded, Laura’s initial thought was that maybe the form was referring to a ‘hotel recky pianist’.
After the initial burst of laughter that this caused she wondered whether it might be something ruder.
She said: “Is it something to do with a penis? That’s why they’re laughing, because it’s ‘the Hotel Penis’.”
She pleaded with her family to ‘Stop laughing at me. Stop and just tell me!’ but it fell on deaf ears.
Her family wouldn’t help her and were determined to make her work it out on her own. One person in the background said: “Read out the whole thing.”
Finally the penny dropped and she said ‘Oh yeah, now I see’ and put her head in her hands, much to the amusement of everybody.
The video has gone viral and is hilarious viewing – for the reaction of her family members as much as Laura’s confusion.
Take a look at the video below.
Irishwoman shown no mercy by her family after being confused by census question