An Irish student has become an internet sensation thanks to his election campaign video as he bids to become President of the University of Limerick student union.

Tommy Bolger sends himself up as a Jordon Belfort type character as he spoofs Leonardo Di Caprio’s blockbuster film The Wolf of Wall Street.
However, far from living the high life of the crooked stockbroker, Bolger’s video shows him living the life of a typical Irish student.
He tells us that by the time he was 22 years old he was making €8 per hour – which meant he had to eat beans on toast four nights a week.
Rather than throwing bundles of cash into the wind in a care free manner, Bolger throws away single €5 notes before rushing to pick them up and put them back in his pocket.
In another clip we see Bolger with a powdery substance all over his nose in a nod to the many drug scenes in the movie. However, the powder on Bolger’s face is innocent enough as we find he has been licking the inside of a bag of sherbet dip dabs.
There are many more hilarious references to the hit movie in the two and a half minute video.
It was directed, filmed and edited by Michael Boyle and has been seen over 225,000 times on YouTube so far.