How much do Irish parents spend on Christmas?

How much do Irish parents spend on Christmas?

This year Irish parents will spend an average of €254 on each of their children for Christmas according to a survey carried out by
In the age of expensive xBoxs, iPads, laptops and beauty products parents are under increasing pressures to deliver an extra special Christmas present for their children and are paying the price.How much do Irish parents spend on Christmas?
Families can find Christmas a difficult season financially, particularly those with more than one child.
The top end of the scale was a spend of more than €600 per child, with 16% of parents admitting to splashing out that much.
In comparison, 21% of parents said they spent less than €100 on each of their children. revealed that 27% of parents admitted they had argued with their partner about how much money to spend on Christmas presents.
They also said that 28% of mums had lied to their partner about how much money they had spent.
Laura Haugh a spokesperson for said: “Christmas is a costly time of year with families spending an average of €254 per child.
“Savvy parents can reduce this amount of money by taking advantage of Black Friday and Cyber Monday special offers which have already started in many retail outlets, in addition to buying some gifts second-hand.
“Managing your child’s gift expectations is the key to not putting yourself under immense financial pressure. Children remember experiences more than the toys they receive at Christmas, so plan some fun days out with the family over the festive period and spent time together enjoying one another,”
Aside from the actual amount of money spent by parents, the survey also revealed details about shopping habits.
Most parents (93%) choose to buy their child one main present for Christmas, with several other smaller and cheaper gifts.
Perhaps more surprisingly is the fact that more than four out of five shoppers still prefer to go in-store to buy their presents rather than make the purchases online.