Three American girls have been let loose in Ireland to explore the country and discover their Irish roots. It’s all part of the Gaelic Girls project. This is the view of the Romantic Girl.
I’m from Maryland. Silver Spring, Maryland to be exact. I wouldn’t necessarily say that it’s Lonely Planet’s most sought after tourist attraction that draws millions of crowds yearly or creates the latest buzz on the Travel Channel’s Twitter feeds. It’s simply a metropolitan area outside of Washington, DC with your average high schools, acre of green grass, houses with chimneys and families with dogs. I know, quite a whirlwind of a life, isn’t it?
So, when I had the opportunity to venture to Ireland, I just knew that the experience alone would be a far cry from my daily life in Silver Spring. I mean, with a completely different culture, a new way of life and a history that goes farther back than I can count, Ireland was sure to be a contrast from everything I considered normal. Just looking at pictures of the country and reading about others’ travels astounded me and drew me in to brave past my Silver Spring cement sidewalks and cross into an unfamiliar territory known as Ireland. Quite frankly, almost four weeks later, I’m so glad that I did.
I moved in not really knowing what exactly to expect. Sure, I read a few tourist books here and there but I wanted to be sure that I could learn directly from the people and from the places I visited to get a first-hand view on all things Irish.
From the moment I stepped off the plane in Dublin, I did just that. I met up with the girls and we have been to countless places in just four weeks time: Christchurch Cathedral in Dublin, Bloomsday celebrations in the Garden of Remembrance, street performer’s festivals, the National Museum of Ireland, Neenagh, Kinnitty Castle, Moneygall, St. Stephen’s Green, Howth, Kilmainham Gaol, Clontarf Castle, Malahide Castle, Dun Laoghaire, Kilkenny, Glendalough…you name it! With so many places under our belt, it’s quite easy to declare this fairly powerful statement of sentiment: I love Ireland.

Ireland possesses a divine power to intoxicate your every sense, inviting you to become one with the lifestyle and appreciate the history and culture of its magical island universe. The people–inviting. The attractions–to die for.
Romance and legends of Ireland
But it is the enchanting, breathtaking mysticism, the romance and legends and the overall allure of the country that make the trip across the pond priceless. Every place we have been to, I have realized how different the site is from the everyday life at home.
In one place, for instance Glendalough, the spectacular views of the strikingly sumptuous mountains and the greenest of trees dancing subtly in tune with the music of the soft wind captivate your vision with beauty and an essence of nature that one can’t find elsewhere.
Malahide Castle
Or how about at Malahide Castle where you almost feel as though you should be donning a suit of armor with the shields and silver plates hung above tables made of the most precious metals and richly embroidered tapestries swarming over gigantic arm chairs and chaise lounges…a medieval fairytale, indeed.
Dun Laoghaire
Even in Dun Laoghaire, you feel the rare enjoyment of peace and serenity in this modern world simply sitting along the pier watching the soft waves rest easily along the rocks greeting the nonchalant fishermen and moms with toddlers wading patiently in the tide. It’s basically a world that I’ve never seen…all in one place.
Ireland – full of rich history, culture and beautiful scenery
Ireland’s rich history, culture and beautiful scenery are so appealing to the eye that it makes me not want to leave. I’m actually fearing that there is no where else on the planet where I can experience such a strong heritage and such exquisite, admirable atmosphere all in one.
With such peace and solitude, such charm and natural settings, such beauty and grace, Ireland’s reputation for being a country delivering fascination and appeal never let down. I must admit that when the day comes for me to leave, I may very well be kicking and screaming my way to the plane.
However, the past few weeks have proven to be monumental with the amount of places I have been to and the immense culture that I have taken in. Ireland has granted me the opportunity to see parts of the world that are so precious to nature and to history and I am very privileged to have experienced it. And for this, I am forever grateful.
Tomorrow’s article features the Happy Heart Girl.