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Historical Sites & Buildings
Tourist Destinations

Stunning map portrayal of the famous faces and places of Ireland

1K views · Nov 3, 2022
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Sit back and get comfortable. We're going to show you Ireland like you've never it seen before. Let's take a stroll through the five thousand years that shaped this small green island that has given so much and means so much to people all over the world...especially places like America, Canada and the UK where so many people boast of their Irish heritage. Ireland is a beautiful country, steeped in history and culture. This stunning map by our Bealtaine Fire artists captures that Celtic spirit with famous faces and celebrated landmarks. Some may bring back fond memories for you. See how many you recognise and tell us your favourite sights and sounds. We would love to hear your thoughts. Our thanks to our friends at Bealtaine Fire for producing this video. You can get a print copy of the map from Their website has lots of great Irish prints featuring stunning Celtic designs, Irish names written in ancient Irish and lots of Irish sayings and poems. Facebook Twitter Pinterest
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