Discover what your ancestors were doing in 1901

Abigail Rieley, Findmypast

You’ll now find the 1901 Irish Census on Findmypast. For the first time, you can search these fascinating records using all variations of a name and narrow the results you get by birth date. Not only that, but you can also search for two members of a household at the same time.

For example, if you wanted to find the authors of the Irish RM books – Somerville and Ross, a search for the surname Somerville and a family member first name of Violet would find you Edith Oenone Somerville and Violet Florence Martin, the cousins behind the books.

Discover what your ancestors were doing in 1901

The 1901 census is not only a fantastic starting point when tracing your Irish ancestors it’s also really interesting to browse through.

You’ll uncover key figures in Irish history like Patrick Pearse as a 19-year-old law student and Michael Collins as just a 10-year-old school boy in Co. Cork.

These two men would be later instrumental in the foundation of an independent Ireland.

There are plenty of more curious entries too – like that of the 13-year-old inventor, Oliver Thomas Youell along with his parents, six brothers and two sisters living in Ballinamore in Leitrim in the west of Ireland.

Once you’ve discovered your family in the 1901 census, why not see what had become of them 10 years later in the 1911 census, also on Findmypast. You can use the same powerful search tools to make it easier than ever before to find who you’re looking for.
