An Irish YouTube star has created a comical video called ‘Irish Mammies vs notions’.
According to the description, a ‘notion’ is ‘basically anything unusual or different an Irish mammy wouldn’t understand/approve of’.
The short clip sees MCluvs2laugh, real name Mary-Claire Fitzpatrick, dressed up as her Irish Mammy and encountering all sorts of notions she is not familiar with.
The star shows real acting talent as she subtly displays a Mammy’s confusion and disgust by the various scenarios from everyday life.
Some of the ‘notions’ that this Irish Mammy can’t handle include being given what appears to be a nice cup of tea, only to find that it is in fact peppermint and lentil tea!
In another scene the Irish Mammy is out in a restaurant with a friend when they are told that the chef’s soup of the day is minted pea and yoghurt.
The Mammy’s reaction is priceless as she and her friend look at each other and try to process the information they have just been given. After a moment Mammy tells the waitress she will have “just a ham sandwich please.”
There are several other comical scenes in the video which see the Irish Mammy trying to comprehend the modern-day notions.
The acting from MCluvs2laugh is outstanding and is no doubt simply an exact imitation of her own Irish Mammy.
Anyone with Irish relatives, be it their Mammy or someone else, will find this video hilarious and recognise some of the expressions and reactions.
Take a look for yourself below.
Irish Mammies vs 'Notions' – hilarious YouTube video