Book of Kells Videos

Book of Kells Videos

The Book of Kells is an ancient manuscript over 1200 years old and is one of Ireland’s most treasured pieces of history.

It contains the four gospels of the New Testament and is decorated throughout with colourful illustrations.

It is a spectacular piece of Insular Art – a beautiful, elaborate fusion of Celtic and Christian cultures.

Book of Kells Videos

Click here to read more about the Book of Kellsand find out how it survived the Viking raids.

Book of Kells documentary

Book of Kells documentary ~ continued

Book of Kells documentary ~ continued

Book of Kells documentary ~ continued

Book of Kells documentary ~ continued

Book of Kells documentary ~ continued

The wonderfully ornate illustrations and calligraphy in the Book of Kells has inspired artists for centuries and is still highly influential today.

It’s now possible to have your name written in the style of the Book of Kells with ornate initial letters and calligraphy that are direct replicas of work created by the monks more than a thousand years ago.

These examples also have the names written out in the ancient ogham script, using vertical and horizontal lines.