Things fathers never say

Things fathers never say. Image copyright Ireland Calling

All dads love their kids of course but they aren’t always good at showing it. Maybe that’s why we sometimes take a tough love approach…constantly offering advice in the hope that our offspring will avoid the same mistakes that we made. Do our children listen to us? Of course not! After all, did we listen to our fathers?

Dads play all sorts of roles for their kids from carer to counsellor, from repair man to self-appointed teller of poor jokes. So what sort of things do dads say? It seems the same sorts of things are repeated the world over. But just to highlight the favourite universal themes, we thought we’d list the top ten things you would never hear a father say.
Things fathers never say. Image copyright Ireland Calling

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No I can’t fix your old bike. I’ll have to get you a shiny, expensive new one.
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Things fathers never say. Image copyright Ireland Calling

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If the school bullies hit you, don’t hit them back. Explain that their aggression is just a symptom of their personal insecurity.
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Things fathers never say. Image copyright Ireland Calling

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No, don’t feel you have to wash the car just because I’m your personal taxi-driver and spend every spare minute driving you all over the place.
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No I don’t want you playing in the football team. Those rough boys might hurt you.
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Things fathers never say. Image copyright Ireland Calling

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Yes it’s a great idea to drop out of school so you can find yourself. Who needs qualifications anyway!
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Things fathers never say. Image copyright Ireland Calling

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I think rock star is a great career choice…why don’t you put down your homework and start practising that guitar.
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Things fathers never say. Image copyright Ireland Calling

All images copyright Ireland Calling

Top things that mothers never say

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