Sminky Shorts – comedy YouTube animations

Sminky Shorts - comedy YouTube animations

Sminky Shorts is a series of animated YouTube videos created by Cork writer Jason Sullivan.

The series features several short episodes of wild animals encountering everyday experiences, and they all have Irish accents.

The unusual characters playing out usual scenarios proved to be a massive hit with Irish viewers. Several of the videos attracted more than a million views, and the Sminky Shorts channel built up a combined view count of more than 20 million.

Some of the comments of the Sminky Shorts characters even became catchphrases in Irish schools according to the Cork News.

Sullivan created the animation under the name Andrew James while he was a student in Cork. The videos created such a stir that he was invited to London by a top media agency.

Sullivan revealed that he has plans to create his own television comedy about the mundane and boring aspects of everyday life in Cork, called Where the Sun Don’t Shine.

Watch and enjoy the Sminky Shorts videos below.

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