Poems written in Ogham

Poem written in Ogham. Image copyright Ireland Calling

Origins of Ogham
Alphabet named after trees
New age beliefs
Irish art

These are the first two lines of an old Irish poem attributed to Amergin, the chief Druid of the Milesians in Irish mythology.
This, along with four other poems by Amergin, appears in the Lebar na Núachongbála (The Book of Leinster) a 12th century manuscript which contains some ogham script.

 Amergin’s invocation of Ireland


Ailim iath n-erend
Ermac muir motach


I invoke the land of Eire
much coursed by the fertile sea.

Poem written in Ogham. Image copyright Ireland Calling

Messe ocus Pangur Bán (Myself and White Pangur)

The first verse of the poem written by a monk in the 9th century about himself and his cat, White Pangur. Translated into manuscript ogham it would have looked something like this.

The page of the Reichenau Primer on which Pangur Bán is written
The page of the Reichenau Primer on which Pangur Bán is written


Messe ocus Pangur Bán,
cechtar nathar fri saindán:
bíth a menma-sam fri seilgg,
mu menma céin im saincheirdd


Myself and White Pangur,
each of us two at his own art:
his mind on hunting,
mine on my reading.

Messe ocus Pangur Bán (Myself and White Pangur) in Ogham. Image copyright Ireland Calling
Messe ocus Pangur Bán (Myself and White Pangur) in Ogham

Ogham alphabet: named after trees

Origins of Ogham
Poems written in Ogham
Alphabet named after trees
New age beliefs
Irish art

Ogham – ancient Irish written language