Foclóir Gaeilge-Béarla – updated Irish-English dictionary

The word for 'Selfie' is included in the updated English Irish dictionary

Tá grá mór againn d’Éirinn…we love Ireland but that Irish language can be difficult no matter how hard we try.

This can be frustrating if you’re a student swatting up for exams or people of Irish heritage trying to discover more about their roots and geneaology.

Thankfully help is at hand in the shape of a free online dictionary which has just been updated to include a host of modern words and phrases from ‘let’s take a selfie’ to ‘I’m a newbie to social media’, from ‘he’s a native Dubliner’ to he’s ‘Irish American’.

So if you want to converse in Irish about the rise of the alt-right or the post truth society, or just pick up on a few traditional themes like ‘let’s go for a drink’ then head over to and search for the words and phrases you need.

Here’s a sample of some bang up to date and some of the more traditional phrases you might want to search for.

selfie féinín let’s take a selfie together glacaimis féinín le chéile
selfie stick maide féinín
hard Brexit Breatimeacht crua
soft Brexit Breatimeacht bog
emoticon straoiseog
download íoslódáil
it’s available for download is féidir é a íoslódáil, tig é a íoslódáil
he’s a native Dubliner as Baile Átha Cliath ó dhúchas é
he’s Irish-American is Gael-Mheiriceánach éthe
Irish-American community an pobal Gael-Mheiriceánach
a post-truth society sochaí iarfhírinne
the rise of the alt-right teacht chun cinn na heite deise ailtéarnaí
we love Ireland tá grá mór againn d’Éirinn, is breá linn Éire
social media sites suíomhanna meáin shóisialta
he’s always on social media bíonn sé de shíor ar na meáin shóisialta
I’m a newbie to social media tá mise nua ag na meáin shóisialta, níl mé ach ag tosú ar na meáin shóisialta
Computer ríomhaire
he’s working on his computer tá sé ag obair ar a ríomhaire
vape galtoitín
do you mind if I vape in the house? an miste leat má chaithim galtoitín sa teach?
do you want to go out for a drink? ar mhaith leat dul amach le haghaidh deoch?
it’s a popular student hangout is áit é a mbíonn tóir mhór ag mic léinn air, is áit é a mbíonn na mic léinn ag tarraingt air
we love Ireland tá grá mór againn d’Éirinn, is breá linn Éire
he made her look like a right idiot rinne sé óinseach cheart di
I had the mother and father of all hangovers bhí póit an diabhail orm, bhí póit mhillteanach orm
I made a complete arse of myself rinne mé amadán ceart asam féin,
I have happy memories of that trip tá dea-chuimhní agam ar an turas sin, tá cuimhní geala agam ar an turas sin.

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